Photo by Todd and Brad Reed Photography
Charlevoix has been the summer place for generations of people from the Midwest and the U.S. And with good reason. There is so much so see, do, and enjoy in Charlevoix: Venetian Festival, summer art fair, sailing, boating, beaches, golfing, Apple Fest, Concerts in the Park, and more. And petunias! Charlevoix is known for its petunia-lined streets.
A year ’round destination, Charlevoix is near great skiing, hiking, and biking and is at one end of the Little Traverse Wheelway linking Charlevoix through Petoskey to Harbor Springs. Lodging opportunities range from full service hotels to bed and breakfast inns.
The gamut from fine to casual. Things to do? Hop on the ferry to Beaver Island, walk the beach at Fisherman’s Island State Park, pick up some fresh smoked whitefish for dinner, and end the day with an ice cream cone and a walk on the waterfront. The perfect place for perfect days.
Charlevoix is filled with history. Stop by the Harsha House to learn about the rich history in the area. Do you like lighthouses? There are many in the area to visit.
Charlevoix Area Chamber of Commerce
109 Mason St., Charlevoix, MI 49720
(231) 547-2101
Charlevoix has beaches on Lake Michigan and also offers the warmer swimming waters of inland lake beaches on Lake Charlevoix.
Fisherman’s Island State Park has more than 2,600 acres and miles of gorgeous Lake Michigan beach and is located just south of Charlevoix.
Beaver Island is located 32 miles offshore of Charlevoix, Michigan and is the largest island in Lake Michigan.
With woods, dunes, and frozen lakes, the trails near Charlevoix and Boyne City are the places to cross country ski from December-March.
Northern Michigan builder Earl Young created the unusual mushroom houses in Charlevoix. Tours are available.
The Harsha House and the Charlevoix Depot Museum, run by the Charlevoix Historical Society, preserve much of Charlevoix’s rich history.