Christmas & Holiday Activities in Northern Michigan
The holiday season in Northern Michigan includes Christmas tree lightings, decorated stores, parades, merchant open houses, and more.
Photo by Vidar Nordli Mathisen on Unsplash.com
(Scroll down to see more events in August.)
Each August, the Mackinac Island Fudge Festival celebrates this delight with music and activities throughout the weekend.
Northern Michigan grows the best. Our Farmers Markets are open from late spring to fall, from cherries, to potatoes, to sweet corn, and more.
The Emmet-Charlevoix County Fair is held at the fairgrounds on Charlevoix Avenue, and is a mix of carnival rides, food, exhibits, and more.
You can find performances almost any night of the week in Northern Michigan with music by area musicians as well as professionals.
Mini on the Mac
MINI on the Mac brings together motorists from across the continent in an effort to break the world record for largest MINI parade. Join the fun as the group motors across the Mackinac Bridge to St. Ignace, and back again. Find more info or register by visiting stignace.com.
Lighted Boat River Parade
Rain date: August 9th, 2025. Indian River. For more info, visit irchamber.com.
St. Ignace Heritage Festival
Discover St. Ignace’s rich history. Experience life as it was in the 1760’s, learn the traditional methods of making birch bark baskets or the art of hand drum making. Special presentations, live music, traditional foods and a variety of other events will all occur during this celebration. Museum of Ojibwa Culture- 500 N. State St., St. Ignace. For more info, visit stignace.com.
Top of Michigan Outboard Races
Indian River. For more info, visit irchamber.com.
Rendezvous at the Straights
This authentic Native American Powwow showcases traditional dancing, drumming, and singing. Explore vendor demonstrations, hand-crafted arts and crafts, and delicious Native American cuisine. A family-friendly, alcohol- and drug-free gathering. Father Marquette National Memorial- 592 Boulevard Dr., St. Ignace.
Arts & Crafts Dockside
This event features over 100 exhibits of original and unique arts and crafts displayed along the Huron Boardwalk at the St. Ignace Public Marina- 13 S. State St., St. Ignace. There will also be food, music, and much more. Hours are Saturday from 9am-6pm & Sunday from 9am-5pm. Register a booth at stignace.com.
Music in the Park
Live music. Free and open to the public. Marquette Park- 7200 Huron St., Mackinac Island. (Rain Location: Mission Point Theater- 6639 Main St., Mackinac Island)
Street Musique
Live performances at various locations throughout the Harbor Springs Business District.
Charlevoix Live on the Lake Concert Series
Live music at East Park Odmark Performance Pavilion- 400 Bridge St., Charlevoix.
Charlotte Ross Lee Concerts in the Park
Live music in Pennsylvania Park- 411 E. Lake St., Petoskey.
Music in the Park
Free and open to the public. Live music at Marquette Park- 7200 Huron St., Mackinac Island. (Rain Location: Mission Point Theater- 6639 Main St., Mackinac Island)
Pavilion Summer Concert
Live music in Veterans Park- 207 N. Lake St., Boyne City.
Boyne City Pirate Festival
Annual event with fun for the whole family. For more information, visit boynecitypiratefest.com.
Michaywe Arts & Crafts Fair
Friday from 11am-5pm and Saturday from 10am-4pm at Michaywe Clubhouse & Grounds- 1535 Opal Lake Rd., Gaylord. This fair features one-of-a-kind handmade crafts, distinctive indoor and outdoor décor, original artwork, creative natural products, beautiful jewelry, and unique foods. There are more than 100 booths both inside the clubhouse & around the pond. Booth fees are $115 or $125 and can be reserved at michayweartfair.com. For more information, email Karen at artfair@michaywe.com.
Lumberjack Festival
Indian River. Visit irchamber.com for more info.
Ironworkers Festival
At this annual festival, ironworkers and retired ironworkers compete in friendly competition. It is open to the public to watch. These events include knot tying, rod tying, rivet toss, spud throw, column climb (Field Event), and the World Championship Column Climb. Mackinaw City High School- 609 W Central Ave., Mackinaw City. For more info, visit mackinawcity.net.
Charlevoix Waterfront Art Fair
Considered one of the most visually exciting art fairs in the country, this juried art fair has a reputation with critics and collectors alike for the quality of the work exhibited and the unparalleled location. East Park- 307 Bridge St., Charlevoix. For more info or an application, visit charlevoixwaterfrontartfair.org.
Great Lakes Surf Festival
This event is a celebration of Great Lakes surf culture and is open to all types of board sports disciplines that enjoy the surf. For more info or tickets, visit greatlakessurffestival.com.
Emmet-Charlevoix County Fair
Annual fair held at the Emmet County Fairgrounds- 1129 Charlevoix Ave., Petoskey.
Blazer Bash
Kalkaska Public School students and families are invited to visit their new classrooms, meet teachers, and get a schedule of classes for older students. Local businesses, organizations, and clubs/groups will also have informational booths and there will be food, refreshments, and a kids carnival. Kalkaska Middle School- 1700 Kalkaska Rd., Kalkaska. For more information, contact Heather at hreust@kpschools.com or by calling (231) 499-7814.
Corvette Crossroads Auto Show
On Friday, Corvettes arrive and cruise the area and on Saturday, they are on display from 10am-2pm in downtown Mackinaw City. There is also a parade of Corvettes at 7pm. Cost for show participants is $25-$35 and can be paid by calling (231) 436-5574. Spectators are free.
Mackinac Fudge Festival
Annual festival celebrating the island’s most famous treat. Events include fudge-making demonstrations, fudge inspired food and cocktails, an outdoor movie, family games, and more. For more information, visit mackinacisland.org.
Corvette Crossroads Auto Show & Parade
Hundreds of Corvette enthusiasts gather at this annual event to celebrate the All-American Classic at Straits State Harbor/Mackinac Island Ferry Co. parking lot- 409 S. Huron Ave., Mackinaw City. Award winners will be selected from several categories by “registered participant judging”. This is not intended to be an intensely competitive event, but rather an annual tradition for enthusiasts. The award presentation begins at 3pm with the Corvette procession lining up from the Odawa Casino parking lot (1050 S. Nicolet St., Mackinaw City) starting at 6pm. The procession will cross the Mackinac Bridge at 7pm. Cost to enter a car is $30-$40 and pre-registration is online at mackinawchamber.com. For more information, contact the Mackinaw City Chamber of Commerce at (231) 436-5574 or info@mackinawchamber.com.
Mackinaw City Arts & Crafts Show
Saturday from 10am-7pm and Sunday from 10am-3pm. Conkling Heritage Park- 335 S. Huron St., Mackinaw City. For an application, visit mackinawcity.com.
The holiday season in Northern Michigan includes Christmas tree lightings, decorated stores, parades, merchant open houses, and more.
From haunted houses to trick or treating, Northern Michigan is full of Halloween’s fun activities during October.
While it may be the gateway to Mackinac Island, Mackinaw City offers it’s own set of awesome festivals and events.
Northern Michigan has many varied settings for kayaking- whether it by river, one of the inland lakes, or Lake Michigan,
The Headlands, just west of Mackinaw City, is one of six International Dark Sky Parks in the U.S. and one of nine in the world.
This 36 acre, 1.5 mile long Bear River Valley in Petoskey is truly spectacular and filled with natural beauty and things to do.
North Central Michigan College’s Natural Area in Petoskey includes over five miles of trails that run through unique habitats.
Disc golf is hot everywhere and especially in Northern Michigan because of it’s many courses and beautiful scenery.
The many ski resorts in Northern Michigan have winter activities for the entire family including sledding, sleigh rides, tubing, and more.