Fisherman’s Island State Park
Fisherman’s Island State Park has more than 2,600 acres and miles of gorgeous Lake Michigan beach and is located just south of Charlevoix.
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When the forecast says snow, snowmobilers say go. And in Northern Michigan that “go” means fun!
With miles and miles of trails crisscrossing our rolling and scenic terrain, local snowmobile clubs devoted to creating and maintaining trails, lodging, dining, and more, Northern Michigan is the place to bring the snow sleds in the winter. Thousands of snowmobile enthusiasts head north when the snow flies because of our extensive trail system, terrific snow and terrain, and plenty of lodging and friendly pubs and taverns along the trails for great fun.
Most of the trails in Emmet and Charlevoix counties are on state of Michigan land, although many area clubs have easement crossing agreements with property owners. Some Northern Michigan routes include runs on county roads. Emmet County Snowmobiles are banned from Emmet County roads. There are a few exceptions where the roads are part of the state trails system.
Fisherman’s Island State Park has more than 2,600 acres and miles of gorgeous Lake Michigan beach and is located just south of Charlevoix.
Charlevoix has beaches on Lake Michigan and also offers the warmer swimming waters of inland lake beaches on Lake Charlevoix.
Founded in 1875, Bay View in Petoskey is a National Historic Landmark community with community-owned buildings, cottages, and two inns.
McGulpin Rock, near Mackinaw City, has been used as a navigational tool by explorers and mariners since before the Pilgrims landed.
When visiting Northern Michigan, be sure to ride one of the local Lake Michigan ferries. It’s an adventure that should be on every travelers’ Up North bucket list!
Crooked Tree Arts Center is a place where artists from northern Michigan can display their talents and artwork to the public.
A visit to Northern Michigan is not complete without a walk along the Lake Michigan in search of Petoskey stones.
The history Northern Michigan’s Inland Water Route is preserved at the Inland Water Route Historical Museum in Alanson.
Founded in 1875, Bay View in Petoskey is a National Historic Landmark community with community-owned buildings, cottages, and two inns.