Christmas & Holiday Activities in Northern Michigan
The holiday season in Northern Michigan includes Christmas tree lightings, decorated stores, parades, merchant open houses, and more.
Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash.com
Fudge! This wonderful, sweet, silky creation is known on Mackinac Island. And so it’s time to celebrate. The Mackinac Island Fudge Festival celebrates this delight with music and activities. Plus fudge!
Saturday & Sunday
Mackinac Island was originally a fort built to protect nearby territories, but now it is filled with beauty and lots of things to do. Read the stories below or go to the Mackinac Island destination page.
Arch Rock is a geologic wonder on Mackinac Island and stands 146' over the Lake Huron shoreline- nearly 15 stories tall.
Mackinaw and Mackinac are pronounced the same way. Why? It's the area's rich history with the Native Americans, French, and British.
Get off the ferry from Mackinaw City or St. Ignace to Mackinac Island and the first thing you'll see is the historic downtown area.
The Mackinac Bridge is the 10th largest suspension bridge (over water) in the world and connects Michigan's Upper and Lower Peninsula.
The majestic and historic Grand Hotel is one of the first sights visitors see as they head into the harbor on Mackinac Island.
Fort Mackinac is open from May-October and includes buildings restored their original look after the fort's occupation by the British
Referred to as the "Jewel of the Great Lakes", Mackinac Island has many special festivals and events that go on during their prime season.
Mackinac Island is rich in history and is also filled with beauty and lots of activities and attractions to explore.
Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau
7274 Main Street, Mackinac Island, MI, 49757
(906) 847-3783
The holiday season in Northern Michigan includes Christmas tree lightings, decorated stores, parades, merchant open houses, and more.
The Mackinac Island Lilac Festival is filled with events and the celebration of the Island’s many varieties of lilacs.
A unique event featuring a variety of one-of-a-kind exhibitors offering everything from yachts to boating goods for sale.
Within the historic Chicago/West Michigan railroad depot in Petoskey, the Little Traverse History Museum is a history filled gem.
With miles of scenic trails terrain and local snowmobile clubs, Northern Michigan is the place to bring the snow sleds in the winter.
The Harsha House and the Charlevoix Depot Museum, run by the Charlevoix Historical Society, preserve much of Charlevoix’s rich history.
Mackinaw City’s Heritage Village lets visitors explore life in the Straits of Mackinac as it was during the era of 1880-1917.
Fisherman’s Island State Park has more than 2,600 acres and miles of gorgeous Lake Michigan beach and is located just south of Charlevoix.
Disc golf is hot everywhere and especially in Northern Michigan because of it’s many courses and beautiful scenery.