Festivals & Events in Harbor Springs
Harbor Springs is situated on a natural, deep harbor, and this tiny, beautiful community offers great events and festivals for all.
Photo by Karl Damus on Unsplash.com
(Scroll down to see more events in April.)
Mail letters to the Easter Bunny
At the mailbox in front of Grandpa Shorter’s Gifts, Inc.- 301 E. Lake St., Petoskey.
Spring Fever on the Farm Festival with New Arrivals
Interact with friendly animals like Kiwidinok Yak, Katahdin sheep, alpacas, mini goats, mini donkeys, rabbits, peacocks, chicks, mini ponies, Billie Bob the turkey, and other farm animals. This hands-on experience allows you to get up close and personal with the animals while learning about their behaviors. Cost is $10 per person and pre-registration is required. Pre-register by visiting kiwidinkok.com. Kiwidinok Tibetan Yak Petting Farm- 1735 South Wilson Rd., Boyne City. For more information, email Jim & Dawn at kiwidinokfarm@gmail.com or call (248) 935-4024.
Treats and pictures with the Easter Bunny at Grandpa Shorter’s Gifts, Inc.- 301 E. Lake St., Petoskey.
First Friday Charlevoix
This event includes a cocktail trail, shopping, fun activities to enjoy, and a chance to win Downtown Dollar Gift Cards. For more information, visit downtowncharlevoix.com. Downtown Charlevoix
Mail letters to the Easter Bunny
At the mailbox in front of Grandpa Shorter’s Gifts, Inc.- 301 E. Lake St., Petoskey.
Spring Fever on the Farm Festival with New Arrivals
Interact with friendly animals like Kiwidinok Yak, Katahdin sheep, alpacas, mini goats, mini donkeys, rabbits, peacocks, chicks, mini ponies, Billie Bob the turkey, and other farm animals. This hands-on experience allows you to get up close and personal with the animals while learning about their behaviors. Cost is $10 per person and pre-registration is required. Pre-register by visiting kiwidinkok.com. Kiwidinok Tibetan Yak Petting Farm- 1735 South Wilson Rd., Boyne City. For more information, email Jim & Dawn at kiwidinokfarm@gmail.com or call (248) 935-4024.
Treats and pictures with the Easter Bunny at Grandpa Shorter’s Gifts, Inc.- 301 E. Lake St., Petoskey.
Easter Bunny Lunch and Easter Egg Hunt
Church of the Straights- 307 N. Huron Ave., Mackinaw City.
Frostbite Trail Tasting Event
This event takes participants on a one-of-a-kind culinary adventure through Antrim and Charlevoix Counties. Local businesses offer small bites paired with a 2oz wine pour, a cider or beer tasting, or a sample cocktail. The event takes place monthly and is a pay-as-you-go event with no tickets required. The theme for this month is BBQ. For more information, visit facebook.com.
Pet photos with the Easter Bunny
Grandpa Shorter’s Gift, Inc.- 301 E. Lake St., Petoskey.
Boyne Appetit!
Restaurants and food retailers in Boyne City and neighboring towns offer delectable specialties with affordable price points for both lunch and dinner. For more information, visit boynecitymainstreet.com.
Mail letters to the Easter Bunny
At the mailbox in front of Grandpa Shorter’s Gifts, Inc.- 301 E. Lake St., Petoskey.
Spring Fever on the Farm Festival with New Arrivals
Interact with friendly animals like Kiwidinok Yak, Katahdin sheep, alpacas, mini goats, mini donkeys, rabbits, peacocks, chicks, mini ponies, Billie Bob the turkey, and other farm animals. This hands-on experience allows you to get up close and personal with the animals while learning about their behaviors. Cost is $10 per person and pre-registration is required. Pre-register by visiting kiwidinkok.com. Kiwidinok Tibetan Yak Petting Farm- 1735 South Wilson Rd., Boyne City. For more information, email Jim & Dawn at kiwidinokfarm@gmail.com or call (248) 935-4024.
Business Expo & Taste of Boyne
This annual event includes about 60 exhibitor booths from area businesses and organizations, food, networking, and music. Admission is $10 per person. For more information, visit boynechamber.com.
Easter Egg Hunt
Children ages 0-8 will have their egg hunt in Washington Park and kids 9 and up will have theirs in Major City Park. All children are encouraged to bring their own Easter baskets to collect eggs. Hosted by Cheboygan Main Street-Downtown Development Authority. Washington Park- E. Elm St. Major City Park- 1101 N. Huron St., Cheboygan.
Easter Egg Hunt with visit from the Easter Bunny
Children of all ages are welcome and bags will be provided to collect eggs. Zorn Park- 151 E. Bay St., Harbor Springs
Easter Luncheon & Egg Hunt
Luncheon from 11am-1:30pm. Egg Hunt from 2-3pm. Age groups are: 2 and under, 3-4 years, 5-6 years, and 7-10 years. The hunt will include 4500 prize-filled eggs. Please bring your own basket to collect eggs. Hosted by Charlevoix State Band and the Charlevoix Area Chamber of Commerce. Charlevoix at East Park- 400 Bridge St., Charlevoix.
East Jordan Elementary School Kindergarten Round Up
Children who turn 4 on or before December 1st, 2025, are eligible to enroll. Parents should bring the child’s birth certificate and a copy of their 2024 income tax W2 form or other current income verification. For more information, call (231) 536-7564.
Morel Hunting Camp
Anthony Williams, expert in morel hunting, will give tips on how to look and find morels. This is sponsored by the Taylor Series at Christ Episcopal Church- 200 State St., Charlevoix, A reception will follow in the parish hall. It is open to the public at no cost.
Harbor Springs is situated on a natural, deep harbor, and this tiny, beautiful community offers great events and festivals for all.
Northern Michigan grows the best. Our Farmers Markets are open from late spring to fall, from cherries, to potatoes, to sweet corn, and more.
This annual event includes live musical performances, workshops, vendors, and more all in beautiful Harbor Springs, Michigan.
The Harbor Springs History Museum offers a unique look at the history of the community, starting with the first Catholic missionaries.
The elegantly restored Cheboygan Opera House is an acoustically superb, Victorian theatre that presents entertainment of many genres.
Why do people enjoy being up north so much? Find out what makes being up north feel special with our list of Northern Michigan specialties.
Summer’s not summer without a day at the beach and Northern Michigan offers some of the best beaches anywhere.
Little Traverse Conservancy protects land and scenic areas and provides opportunities for all of us to appreciate the environment.
Mackinaw City’s Heritage Village lets visitors explore life in the Straits of Mackinac as it was during the era of 1880-1917.